Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to Transfer your RN license to Indiana from other states

Recently I moved from Oklahoma to Indiana and had to transfer my Oklahoma RN license to Indiana. It was not that much of stressful but still it is taking some time. If you are planning to transfer your license to Indiana here is the "Step by Step" process that I did:

1) Indiana does not have a separate website for Board of Nursing it is under Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (PLA). And here is the link

2) Transfer of license is called endorsement application. Here is the link below with instructions and it is pretty detailed in the website itself.

3) After you get into the link above application form is underlined as completed application which is on PDF file.

4) You need PDF installed in the computer if not you can get it from

5) After you download the application form, application form will look like this:
you can type or print, if you decide to type you can save the data.

6) After application is filled, along with your application you need to submit $50 application fee payable to "Indiana Professional Licensing Agency" , proof of license in another state ie (Scan or print copy of your license from your state) and a photograph as described by Indiana professional licensing agency as below:

Include a photograph, approximately 2 ½ x 3 ½ inches, head and shoulders view, black and white or color, of professional quality. Polaroid type or laminated photographs will not be accepted. Please tape, rather than staple, the photo to the application. Please place your signature on the front of your photograph
 Derived from 

7) Mail to the address :

Professional Licensing Agency     
Attn: Indiana State Board of Nursing
402 W. Washington Street, Room W072
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

8) Send your Transcript: from your college directly sent from college in a sealed envelope from the registrar's office.

9) Request license verification from your state, you have to fill out separate form for this step and form can be found in your board of nursing website.You can find the application form for Oklahoma it is all the way down in the list called written verification of Licensure and they will charge you $40 (Fee may change)

10) Wait for response from the staff that they got your application.

11) After you get the response your next step is background check you can call or register at

12) After all this done now just wait for the result.

Good luck and best of luck for your nursing career, I hope you love your nursing career as much as I do or more that I do (I don't think that is possible just kidding........)